To my dearest Masters & Princesses~!
Happy 4th anniversary!! Long time no blog (again)!!
I'm sure many of you by now have heard our 3rd original song, Shuwa Shuwa~ Sugar Magic♡ !! A wonderful song focused on the magical dining experience of maid cafes, I hope that everyone has been enjoying it!!
Please allow me a moment to showcase the talented individuals who worked on this song...
This lovely song was composed by Feris Music!! Feris is well-known in the vtuber community as well, working with talents such as Phoebe, Rin Penrose, Phase Connect...! Since I found out about Feris through Phoebe, I've always wanted to work with them and I'm so glad to have had this opportunity~
You can check out more of Feris' amazing work here!!!
Next, we have SAWTOWNE on arrangement and mixing! You may know SAWTOWNE as the talented winner of the Miku Expo 10th Anniversary song contest with his entry, "M@GICAL☆CURE! LOVE ♥ SHOT!" Fun fact when we first started working on Shuwa, magical cure love shot hadn't won yet... as it exploded and I saw Miku Miku Beam at Coachella..I started sweating a bit ngl....
Did you know Saw is also an INCREDIBLE illustrator and animator... what can't he do...? Check out more of his works here!!!
Lastly we have the amazing show-stopping shoyun on vocals and lyrics!! This is our 2nd song with shoyun and every time she writes lyrics I am absolutely awestruck...and when she sings I swoon...She's been singing for 15 years, isn't that insane?? Check out more of her work here!!!
By the way my personal favorite song that she has worked on is still this one
I am so incredibly grateful to Feris, SAWTOWNE, and shoyun for working on this project for me!! As many of you may know I have 0 music experience so being able to see the behind the scenese for this masterpiece was such a treat. I hope to be able to work on more fun projects with them!!!
Moving on to the call guide part...!
This song has most of the standard calls and mixes (Standard & Japanese) like other songs BUT I wanted to showcase two parts!!
When composing the song I specifically asked Feris for "an upbeat, maid-y song with lots of space for calls". shoyun then asked me if there were any special spells we use in the cafe, and of course...the Furi Furi~ Shaka Shaka~ spell came to mind! Originally from our idols at-home cafe, the spell is a "repeat after me" kind of spell that is a classic and must have at basically any maid cafe. To me the charm is two-fold: first you get to participate in cute fun nonsense that serves as a fun ice breaker for first time master & princesses, and two you get a surprise mystery color drink...! I think this song really embodies the cute chaos that comes from the spell~
For the chorus, we hope you will chant along the spell with us! Since the words are just fun Japanese onomatopoeia, it might be a bit hard to remember, but the order goes...~
Nyan Nyan 🐈 Wan Wan 🐶
Piyo Piyo 🐣 Waku Waku (feelings of excitement!)
Doki Doki 💓 Se~No (an expression meaning something similar "ready, set, go!")
Oishikunare~ (Please become tasty!)
Hai Hai Hai Hai!
Next, the build up to the highlight point...! (落ちサビ) I had 4 eight-counts to fill and was thinking really hard of what call / mix to put in there. I wanted to find something that wasn't just a random space filler, but something that made sense to the song! For our previous song Saijoukyuu no Moe Moe Kyun I had modified the gachikoi koujou (true love's chant) with maid themes, but this time I write my own! (With the help of a friend named ZZ :3)
人生の辛さはあるけれど / jinsei no tsurusa wa aru keredo
うちらのメイドさんが待っているぞ / uchira no meido-san ga matte iruzo
美味しいオムライスを召し上がれ / oishii omuraisu omeshi agare
い・た・だ・き・ま・す!/ i ta da ki ma su!
Which roughly translates to, though there are tough times in life, our maids are waiting for us! Enjoying a delicious omurice, bon appetit!
Demonic voice warning hhhh
Idk what to call it though. Omurice Koujou? Maid Koujou? I'd love to hear everyone's opinions!
Anyway!! Thank you all so much for wanting to learn the calls for this song and I hope you enjoy the song~ I hope to hear everyone's loud tiger voices at our next performance!!!
Maid Sae >:3c