お帰りなさいませ、ご主人お嬢様達♡ Maid Sae here!
A bit late but here is our Valentines event recap!

Coming up with event names are getting harder...-w- our first events were just different iterations of Moe Moe Event name, but now I have to use my single braincell to think of more creative names :c
This event was special in so many ways! It's the first event in our brick-and-mortar space, and we got to do so many fun new things too! Here's a super cool recap video from the talented AJ_Outloud to show more of our interior! We particular love the noren at the entrance and the new stage~
Cute pic of Maid Berry and Maid Dolly in front of the noren~

We got to debut new merch as well! In collaboration with Lumica USA, we have brand new custom penlights and UOs as well! The insert is designed by our lovely Maid Sumi~ the big bow in the back is supposed to light up with your favorite maid's color!

Since it's Valentines, of course spreading love and joy is a really important part~! All the maids got together to write love notes for our guests! Which maid's note did you get?
Maid Himawari also made a cute little mailbox for us so our Masters and Princesses could send your love to us! We got so many love notes and even gifts this event, and are so grateful for the overwhelming amount of support!

We had so much fun, and we truly learn and grow so much more as each event passes! Thank you for giving us the wonderful opportunity to serve you all! We can't wait for soft opening soon~
Finishing up the recap with some photos taken by the talented @mint.chocolate.studios!
And two final maid selfies!
We'll be announcing soft opening soon! <3 Until then, stay safe and hope to serve you soon!
With love,
Maid Sae 🍤